As you can see here, MP03G is using the same mold of the previous family member, MP03. So far, they've been using it for few members already. Starting with the green Starscream AKA MP03, Skywarp AKA MP06, Hasbro Masterpiece Starscream AKA MPSS, Thundercracker MP07, Hasbro Masterpiece Skywarp and finally, MP03G or Masterpiece Starscream Ghost Version.
It is almost the same way TakaraTomy treated Henkei Satrscream with it's clear mold and now, this one Starscream, Ghost version. For your information, Ghost Starscream did appeared in the G1 cartoon way back in 1984.
If i'm not mistaken, it's appeared in the season 2 when Megatron is reincarnated into Galvatron and smashed Starscream to death. When he died, Starscream did appeared in a ghost form but nobody can see him. With this advantage, he started to scared fellow decepticons, autobots and possesed them.
There's a brief history for you on why Ghost Starscream is exist.
Ok now, let's go back to our main focus here, the review of Transformers Masterpeice Starscream Ghost version.
The box already says it all. What more can you dig from this new family member? All you have to do is open it, see it and try to transform it rightaway after you buy it. Seriously, you have to open it, to see whether Ghost Starscream is really 'a ghost' from what the box says.
When i opened mine, i am totally suprised with the quality TakaraTomy this time. It's so amazing, awesome and beautiful. it's like you saw a perfect beautiful lady with sexy dress. All you can do are, opened your eyes wide and open your mouth as big as you can. LOL.
I think 3 is better than 1 right?
Same old design.
I took the dented box coz this one for molest!
Out from the box. Cool eh?
With the bio card and stickers.
The ghost has landed.
Front view.
Opened cockpit. Can you see the transparent professor?
I'm impressed with the part beneath the jet.
There you go, the professor.
With the stand.
I like the material they use for Ghost Starscream. Really showed the ghost part. Really love this part. Too bad this head's not transparent.
The red color also nice and smart. Suit Ghost Starscream very well.
Look at the ghost, you can see he's smilling at you.
Close up on the chest.
Side view. You can through the fingers. Awesome!
"Hey dude! What's your looking for?
Masterpiece Starscream Ghost version with Leader Class Starscream. Which 1 is the best?
Overall, i like the quality for Masterpiece Starscream Ghost version very much. It looks not too plasticky. Looks solid though. The blue bit lousy but for me, it suits the Ghost version very well. Would give this awesome dude 9 out of 10. What more you can tell about Masterpiece are, the box is awesome and the item inside also, awesome. Totally awesomeness!!