What amused me about this toyline are the quality of the Convoy itself and extra items which came together with Alternators Optimus Prime. As you can see here, the box is so awesome. Not to mention the girl, Melissa. The figure of Melissa also included in this set, together with the extra leg & arms, surfboard, manual in CD booklet format and of course, the CD itself. The CD does not contain any movie or comic but just songs & intro of Melissa's voice.
The box surely can catch lot of attentions.
I bought this item from US through eBay. The price cheaper (together with shipping) than the one i can find in Malaysia. I even bought my friend for RM450 few years back & this time i got it below RM350, which is for me, very cheap enough.
The previous owner said, he just opened it for checking, never transform the vehicle, just for display only and the main important thing, he never touch the items inside, including Melissa ;p
When i received the item via USPS around 3 weeks after i won the bidding, i can see what he said is true and the items are sure in mint condition. No fingerprints on Optimus alternate mode, Dodge RAM SRT-10 truck AND also no fingerprints on Melissa. The box got wears in few places but no tears as far as i can see.
Back of the box.
Flip to see what's inside.
No comment.
I kept the item for quite sometime and said to myself, i want to review this fella because not much review i can see or read on Transformers Kiss Players ConvoyxMelissa. This is my chance to create one i think. May be it's not enough but at least, people can read one review right?
Side view of the box looks nice with 'bulky' Optimus Prime.
Melissa kissing OP.
Out from the box but still intact in the plastic tray. Notice the pink item there? It's a surfboard! Pink surfboard.
Extra legs and arms for Melissa to pose.
Close up on the surfboard.
Alternate Mode:
Dodge RAM SRT-10 truck.
The mode in Dodge RAM SRT-10 truck is very nice and i've checked, there is no loose part. Both doors in tight slot minus the front bumper as you can see in the 11th picture. I tried to slot it in but still can't. I really don't know what is the problem.
The paint on the truck looks shiny and bright. Of course, you can see a quality material is used for this Kiss Players version. The sport rims also looks nice. Very shiny and it's looks like a new sport rims to me eventhough it is produced 4 years back.
Side view
Front view with the surfboard on board. The front grille also nice.
Side view with Melissa on board.
Another view with Melissa. Nice isn't it?
Rear view. Without Melissa.
Doors opened. Without Melissa.
Another great view with opened doors. Again, without Melissa.
Another great view with opened doors, with Melissa. Great view isn't it?
Can she drive?
Melissa on the hood. Notice the gap on the front bumper? Came like that. Tried to slot it in but failed.
Surfing anyone?
Close up :)
Robot Mode:
I've got to say that robot mode without the doors look great and nice. Since Optimus Red already bulky, getting rid off both doors really make Optimus Prime looks tough and strong. I've bought Alternators Optimus Prime few years back but the quality says it all. Kiss Players product really made from a quality stuff and you can feel the different. Alternators is lighter than Kiss Players and Binaltech. May be that's the answer why Kiss Players or Binaltech are the best product in their line.
Kiss Players came with more deco. As you can see the picture below, there's a metallic deco on Optimus Prime's shoulder to bring more seniority in him. If you notice here, i took out the doors to show more great pose in Optimus Prime.
Front view without the doors
front view with the doors.
Side view. Where's the head?
Rear view. Can't see much here. The trunk of the Dodge still visible from here.
Rear view with the doors attached. Which one is better from your point of view?
I think with doors, looks too bulky.
I like this pose very much.
Close up on the head. Is it me or what, i felt that the head is kinda small.
Posed with the gun.
Pose with Melissa on the shoulder. Rear shoulder?
Another pose with Melissa on the rear shoulder.
Same view, long shot.
With Melissa, surferboard and gun.
Close up on the feet from the side view. The finishing on the rim is better than Alternators.
Close up on the feet, front view.
With guns and doors. Better pose?
Surfboard turned into sword? Cool isn't it?
I have 3 mold on this Dodge SRT RAM, Kiss Players version, Binaltech & 2 Alternators (Optimus Prime and Nemesis Prime). The finishing on both Kiss Players version and Binaltech is the best, as far as i'm concern. Too bad i can't open the Binaltech version to compare with Kiss Players version because i want to save it in MISB ( Mint In Sealed Box). Why? Because it's hard for me to open it. Last time i opened Alternators Optimus Prime, i ended up selling it.
I prefer my stuff in boxes because i don't have enough space to store or display them. The last time i bought a display glass cabinet, i left it empty at my old house. Living in a small house (apartment) really gave me headache on how to display your Transformers. My wife always encouraged me to display them but thinking of small space that we have, i have to postpone the idea. Too bad.
Overall, i gave this Kiss Players version of Optimus Prime a perfect 10. Why? I like the finishing, the quality, no loose joint, no paint chip after transformed him, came with unique figure and nice box. What else do you want from Kiss Players version of Optimus Prime?