Lugnut is well known for his characther in Transformers Animated where he is a big and bulky decepticons. If i'm not mistaken, Lugnut appeared in Beast Wars in 1999 and he is became one of the unpopular character even introduced.
But, back in 2007, he re-introduced back into Transformers Animated and became the loyal servant of Megatron. This time he came in a different big and bulky character for Decepticons. This time, eventhough with weird face and look, he became one of the popular character in Transformers Animated paired with Blitzwing and Autobot Bulkhead is his main nemesis.
I bought Lugnut together with Solar Storm Grapple and Strafe, Mindwipe repaints with more vibrant colors. Is it?
This is the 1st view of Lugnut in robo-vision view.
Back of the box.
Side view of the box with the bio and other voyager in te same wave.
Out of the box.
Close up on Lugnut's head and body, with wires.
View for the 1st time in robot mode.
Side view.
Rear view.
Front view.
Action with the big hand.
Really like this pose with his hand strecthed.
Close up on the upper body.
More promo came with the box.
Few poses that i can think of.
More close ups.
Again, close up on the leg.
Close up on the hand.
Different view form lowered angle.
With Highbrow.
Plane mode:
Front view.
Top view.
More close ups.
Same class but different size.
Lugnut surely looks bigger than Highbrow eventhough they're in the same class. This is what i don't like what Hasbro's been doing so far. They like to resize the mold anyway they want them without considering what class it is. Just take a look at Highbrow, why can't just make it a bit bigger or at least, the same size of Lugnut?
Anyway, i would like to rate Lugnut 9 out of 10. Why? I like almost everything of him. Bulky, looks awesome and bada$$. Can't wait to see his version in TakaraTomy United line. Hope they improve the quality this time for Lugnut.